About | Heirlooms and Moore - Behind the Quilt
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My Story



As a young girl, I grew up watching my mother sew and quilt. When I turned five, my mother started me sewing and I found my passion. I soon attempted to help (as best a five year old can help) in any way possible. Eventually, I worked myself up to the longarm machine. I was fortunate to be taught by my mother and have adapted a few of my own techniques as well. 
I am now married to my wonderfully handsome, and amazingly rugged husband, Brandon (He's in charge of my website and can type whatever he wants). He is the minister at Newark Church of Christ. We are blessed with four children, Audra, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Eloise. Watching them grow has been a great joy and blessing in my life. 
If it involves needle and thread, I will do everything I can to help.

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